The Sombra ARG is an ARG involving Overwatch, a game made by Blizzard. Sombra is the name of an unreleased Overwatch hero that has been hinted at by Blizzard as being an upcoming playable character. Clues and ciphers referencing Sombra were found in various developer updates and short animations released by Blizzard, and this ARG is comprised of those clues.
At the game’s release, there were numerous pieces of in-game information that appeared in Dorado, hinting at a character called Sombra. When Ana was revealed as Overwatch’s newest character, more Sombra clues appeared in Ana’s origin video. In the weeks that followed, more clues were discovered.
1 Ana Videos1.1 Ana Origin Video1.2 Dev Update Video2 Welcome to the Summer Games Video2.1 Decrypting the Encryption2.2 Narrowing Down Ciphers2.3 Directions & Letters2.3.1 Directions3 Dorado Photo3.1 Analyzing Achievements4 Volskaya Datamosh4.1 ASCII Skull #15 Overwatch Forums Glitching Page/ “Skycoder”5.1 ASCII Skull #25.2 Skull Video5.3 amomentincrime E-mail6 A Moment in Crime Transmission7 Image of Reaper8 References8.1 Temporary Resources8.2 Community Resources8.2.1 ASCII Skull8.2.2 Google Docs8.2.3 Tracer Code8.3 Third-Party Resources8.3.1 Image of Reaper8.4 Old / False Leads8.5 Derivative Works8.6 Media Appearances
Ana Videos