That one friend who always kills the moment… #taghere 🙂 -unknown That awkward moment when someone`s fly is down and you don`t know how to tell them because you can`t explain why you were looking there. -unknown The idea is to occupy Facebook with art, breaking the monotony of photos of lunch, selfies, lists and cats. I will assign the name of an artist to whomever likes this post, and you have to publish a piece by that artist with this text. -unknown Lick your lips 3 times, blink once, and keep your eyes wide open until you LIKE this status. I bet you will sneeze or yawn. -unknown 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LIKE if you found the mitsake. -unknown Detailed list of people who asked for your opinion:________________________ ________ ________ -Jose Juan Have you ever just stopped and realized that if you hadn’t met a certain person in your life, your life would be completely different. If you think of such person now @TAG him in a #comment 🙂 -unknown Like and I`ll use the letters of your first name to describe you!!! -Hannah Bro Discussion: Tag the three friends you would choose to be with you in the zombie apocalypse..? -unknown Like if you find `♠` in less than 10 seconds: ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣